




  When primitive humans came along, we continued this evolution unconsciously by conquering others and gaining energy and moving forward a little bit, and then being conquered ourselves by someone else and losing our energy. This physical conflict continued until we invented democracy, a system that didn't end the conflict but shifted it from a physical to a mental level.


  We are bringing this whole process into consciousness. We can see that all of human history has prepared us to achieve conscious evolution. Now, we can increase our energy and experience the coincidences consciously. This carries evolution onward at a faster pace, lifting our vibrations even higher.


  Our destiny is to continue to increase our energy level. And as our energy level increase, the level of vibration in the atoms of our bodies increase. It means that we are getting lighter, more purely spiritual.


  As we humans continue to increase our vibration, an amazing thing will begin to happen. Whole group of people, once they reach a certain level, will suddenly become invisible to those who are still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower level that the others just disappeared, but the group themselves will feel as though they are still right here-only they will feel lighter.


  When humans begin to raise their vibrations to a level where others cannot see them, it will signal that we are crossing the barrier between this life and the other world from which we came and to which we go after death. This conscious crossing over is the path shown by the Christ. He opened up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on water. He transcended death right here on Earth, and was the first to cross over, to expand the physical world into the spiritual. His life demonstrated how to do this, and if we connect with the same source we can head the same way, step by step. At some point everyone will vibrate highly enough so that we can walk into heaven, in our same form.

  浑沌草翻译:当一些人提升他们振动的频率到达其他许多人看不见他们的层面,就标志着这些人突破了从人间走向另一个世界的障碍,这个另一个世界就是我们来的地方,也是有些人死后要去的地方, 这就是耶稣基督显示给我们的有意识地超越生命障碍的路径。基督打开了通向能源的通道,所以他的身体很轻飘以至于能在水面上行走,他超越了在人间的死亡,第一个突破了人间到天国的藩篱,将物质肉体能量的争夺延伸到了精神心灵领域,基督向我们演示了如何成仙的途径,假如我们无法开通能源的通道,但起码能够亦步亦趋向他学习。从某种意义上说,每个人都有可能提升生命振动的频率,可以按照现在的外貌特征在天国生活。

  The more beauty we can see, the more we evolve. The more we evolve, the high we vibrate. The Ninth Insight shows us that ultimately, our increase perception and vibration will open us up to a Heaven that is already before us. We just can't see it jet.




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