I love the Spiritual Connection with Lifechanyuan/Kasi Celestial


Eventhough we are far apart I feel a strong spiritual connection to my brothers and sisters. I feel their love, guidance, and kindness everyday. Having a strong spiritual connection is important to me because it means we all follow the same values. As a celestial I’m constantly learning new values and spiritual practices of Lifechanyuan from my brothers and sisters. 虽然我们相隔遥远,但我强烈地感受到与生命禅院的兄弟姐妹们内在深深的灵性上的连接。 每天我都能感受到他们的爱和善良,得到他们的指引。灵性上深深的链接对我而言非常重要,因为这意味着我们在遵从同样的理念。作为禅院草,我一直在从生命禅院的兄弟姐妹们身上不断的学习理念,并投入到生命禅院的灵修实践。

As a celestial we all value nature and believe in the Greatest Creator. With the guides wisdom and knowledge I am able to grow. I have great admiration for many of my sister’s for giving me the guide’s articles to read and sharing their knowledge about life. 作为禅院草,我们都珍爱大自然,坚信上帝。有了雪峰导游的智慧和知识(的滋养), 我得以不断成长。我很敬佩生命禅院的许多姐妹们,她们经常发给我导游的文章阅读学习,也经常和我分享关于人生和生命的知识。

We all grow together as a community. That’s what I love the most about Lifechanyuan. The connection to life and nature is also an important aspect to me. Even though we face hardships we go through them together as a family. 我们都在一个社区中共同成长。 这是生命禅院最让我热爱的地方。 与生命,与大自然的连接也是对我而言非常重要的一个方面。虽然我们面临艰难困苦,我们这个大家庭一定能够携手共同度过。



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