2025春节游戏内容 开场舞,集体搞笑甩葱舞
抢新娘 2.抢新郎
Tic-Tac-Toe 九宫棋
2025欢度春节游戏开场词 Opening Speech for the 2025 Spring Festival Games 百川草
宇宙是个巨大的游乐场,上帝是最高级的玩家。 人间是个生命舞台剧场,各种生命游戏其间。 The universe is a vast amusement park, and the Greatest Creator is the ultimate player. The human world is a grand stage where countless life games unfold.
人生是一场游戏,开心其中享受其中的人是人生赢家,也是最好的玩家。 Life is a game, and those who enjoy and embrace it with joy are the true winners and the best players.
上帝悦纳那些会玩会游戏的生命, 我们就是上帝悦纳的生命, 因为我们一个个变成了小孩子的模样, 我们纯真淳朴真实, 我们开心了上帝更喜悦,为我们点赞!为我们鼓掌! The Greatest Creator delights in those who know how to play and enjoy life. We are the ones embraced by the Greatest Creator, for we have become like children—pure, simple, and genuine. When we’re happy, the Greatest Creator is even happier, cheering and clapping for us!
带来开心快乐自由幸福的东西是真的, 使人不开心不快乐不自由不幸福的东西是假的, 所有一切假的东西,我们就放弃丢弃, 开心快乐每一天,我们就活在了真实里,活在了天堂里。 我们就是仙,就是佛,就是人间天使。 What brings happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss is real. What makes us unhappy, joyless, bound, or miserable is false. We cast aside everything false, leaving it behind. When we live joyfully and happily each day, we are living in truth, living in heavenly kingdom. We are celestials, Buddhas, and earthly angels.
让我们玩起来,嗨起来,把快乐带给他人,把喜悦带给这一方土地, 把人类的希望传递到地球的每个角落。 Let us play, let us rejoice, bringing happiness to others, spreading joy to this land, and delivering humanity's beautiful hope to every corner of the Earth!
感恩上帝!感恩导游!感恩龙袍佛!感谢每一位! Gratitude to the Greatest Creator! Gratitude to our guide! Gratitude to Longpao buddha! Thank you, everyone!
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