封美国人JoelWilson 为禅院草


Joel Wilson 先生在过去的半年多一直在生命禅院英文网站上工作,主要校对文集在语法词语方面的不足之处,最近,他第一次来中国,不去北京,不去上海,而是直接来第二家园体验生活,表现了对家园极度地关爱和对生命禅院的热忱。他先后去了第二家园的三所分院,说一切很理想,与网络上宣传的内容毫无二致,他决心在以后的岁月里最大限度地为家园工作和服务。

Joel Wilson 先生诚实开朗,喜欢劳动,来家园后就参与到了家园建设中,前天我们移植竹子,Joel Wilson 不怕苦不怕脏不怕累,在小雨中不停地分离丛竹,今天在太阳下为柳树施肥,吃饭时也在食堂排队,具有禅院草精神和文明品德,故而特例封Joel Wilson 先生为——卡尔草。

从今以后,Joel Wilson 就是第二家园大家庭的一员,将是全球禅院草的兄弟,他的一切将与生命禅院息息相关。



附Joel——卡尔草在生命禅院英文网的申请书:Application for Chanyuan Celestial

Dear Xuefeng,

I am applying to become a Chanyuan celestial for the following reasons:

Having discovered Lifechanyuan, I feel a calling to the collective lifestyle and have memories of it from before they were educated out of me as a young child, I wish to refine myself spiritually and other ways, and strive to prepare for the Thousand Year World.

I revere nature and the Greatest Creator, and I am studying the 800 values for New Era Human Beings.

I have been divorced but have no children or other obligations.

My field of interest has been in wired and wireless communications, analogue and some digital, all my life.

I have been driving a taxicab in Southern Florida, the United States of America, for nearly twenty years.

Your kind consideration is appreciated,

Joel Wilson

Last updated